केन्द्रीय पुस्तकालय एन एम डी सी डी ए वी पॉलिटेक्निक
Education City Jawanga, Geedam, Dantewada (C.G.) 494441
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Central Library, NMDC DAV Polytechnic supports the main objective of the institute to become an institution of its repute in the field of Technical Education. It is also committed to support the institute‟s mission for seamless integration of teaching and research motivating entry of bright students and faculty into the institute, imparting high quality Technical education in a research oriented environment to young and academically motivated Diploma students.
Library plays an important role in supporting the academic programmes of the institute. It identifies, evaluates, procures, processes and then makes these learning resources available to the faculty and students for their teaching and research.
Father of Library Science in
India, (S. R. Ranganathan)

*Circulation of Books and Non Book Materials(CD/DVD)
*Latest and Back Volumes Journals and
magazines avilable
*Past University Question Papers Available
*Internet Facility available
*Subscription to Leading News Papers
*CCTV Based monitoring
*Online Public Access CAtalogue (OPAC)
*Library Orientations programmes
*Power Backup Facility
*NPTEL Video Lecture on various subject
*Relevant News Papers Clipping Available
*Open access system in Issue & Reference
*Adequate seating arrangement in reading hall
The Central Library has been modernized to provide computerized services to our Faculty and Students at large. The Central Library is automated with integrated library management software package called koha (22.11) .The Software Provides e-mail service of circulated items,Barcode based transactions of Books /CD's, and online searching facility to Books, Journals, CD's and Project Report.
Institutional Repository
Institution Repository of NMDC DAV Polytechnic is a digital archive for collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the intellectual output of the Institute. It is maintained by "Dspace (6.3)" Software (Open Source Digital Repository Software).